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February 24, 2008


Mathew Hipwood

I had the same problems when I got back training after being diagnosed. It may not be as simple for you on a mountain bike but I spent a month testing very frequently before, during and in the 3-4 hours after exercise to see what happened with my sugars.

For a 2 hour cardio intensive session these days I'll eat a snack 2 hours before and take about 25-50% of the usual insulin and I'll test 30mins, 15 mins and right before I start so I have an idea what my glucose is doing. I like to begin training at around 8-10 mmol.

I don't bother testing during exercise, the results are meaningless as the exercise affects your numbers anyway, if I feel like I am running low I top up with apple juice, nice and quick and won't leave me bloated like lucozade and I don't choke to death on chewed up dextrose tablet dust.

Afterwards is where I take most care. I'll have a banana when I get home and a light meal maybe an hour after that, again with reduced insulin and I'll test about 2 hours post exercise and then hourly to make sure I am not falling low.

The following day breakfast is also reduced insulin and I might need an apple or some dried fruit mid morning.

I hope some of my experiences help!

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