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March 31, 2008


gig harbor florist

my father was just diagnosed with minor diabetes, and i hope he gets the same luck as you do! i hope your health continues to improve!


Good for you, Mathew :D


Interesting post. You’re absolutely right, the glycemic index is all about identifying the right carbs and how they are broken down during digestion with the related relase of insulin and blood glucose. We’ve noticed that the glycemic index does have some noticeable differences than South Beach. Having done both programs several times, it’s worth looking at the individual foods. South beach is primarily concerned with whole grain carbs (including oatmeal and breads), whereas glycemic index scores those foods differently and sometimes surprisingly high (bad) or low (good) — so there are some important differences.

It’s been our experience and from our readers that those on a diabetic diet seem to adapt very easily to the glycemic index. Those without diabetes are equally well served on either the glycemic index or south beach programs.

Good luck!

Kind regards,
Andy Moquin of the engagement rings community of NY

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